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Our History

We’ve been in the beauty industry for 10 years, starting with makeup. We’ve realised that a lot of women and men was dealing with some issues that impact their self esteem. Most of people want to look better, feel better.

and be the best version of themself. We are bringing back self confidence, so they can conquer the world. That is why we offer different types of services from head to toes.

Come visit us and let our team take care of you. We offer a variety of treatments and continue to improve in our technology, which a lot of celebrities use to get the best results. We commit to provide the best service and guarantee result in Montreal.


Professional master


Services Offered

Face Treatment


Regular treatments – if you can afford it, with follow-up care at home – can yield long-term benefits, like warding off wrinkles and keeping skin hydrated. Besides removing blackheads and exfoliating dry, flaky skin, facials help fade dark spots from long-term damage and bad habits.
Body Skin Treatment

Modern style
and high quality work

Body treatments are similar to various types of facials and stimulate the skin to feel fresh and smooth. Body treatments are designed with a focus to exfoliate, cleanse, and moisturize the skin on the body as you perform the same on the skin of your face.
our prices

Popular Offers

This treatment help to get rid of hyperpigmentation, dark spot, scar, and boost the skin glow
butt lift
butt lift
Get a bigger butt with this advanced technology. This treatment is a mist of manual massages and cupping who lift and boost the fat cell
Get read of fat cell on a specific body area according to your need, this technology is a non invasive treatment that melt fat cell, can be done on any part of the body ( tummy, back, arms, legs, face, thin, inner tight )
teeth whitening
teeth whitening
Get a smile 8 times lighter than your original colour in just one session, all product use for this treatment are safe and made in Canada.
Get rid of all the duvet, hair, and dead skin at once.
fat transfer
fat transfer
Fat transfer from leg to butt for a more bigger butt and work as well on reducing tight volume.
The red carpect perfect treatment. detoxify, cleanse deeply, exfoliate all dead skin, black head and infuse glowly serum in one treatment
microdermabrasion diamand
microdermabrasion diamand
Get rid of all dead skin, impurity and black head , for a more glow skin

What our clients say

Je suis 100% satisfaite, les imperfections sur mes jambes causaient beaucoup de gêne! Grace a ce soins elles osnt parties, je me sens cinfiante et prête pour l'été Merci!.

Soins corps – Body Skin Treatment

Les conseils et soins de Beyoutiful m'ont permis de mieux connaitre ma peau mais aussi de la purifier afin d'avoir une peau plus propre et plus nette.

John Kevin

Pour le microneedling ma chère, j'ai tellement aimé mon visage après le traitement. Mon visage est beaucoup plus claire et moins huilieux au cours de la journée...Je me suis pas.


book time

This treatment help to get rid of hyperpigmentation, dark spot, scar, and boost the skin glow