
Untitled design (19)
nail bar



“How to properly perform facials? 
How to determine different skin type
How to custom facials according to skin needs
Benefit of facials
How to prep the skin
How to create a beauty routine to client need
All Pre Appointment Instructions and post care
How to determine number of sessions for each client?
A Step by Step guide to how to perform treatment
A step by step guide on how to perform according to skin need
How to clean equipment after use
Marketing advice
Treatment Prices
Client Consent Forms
Client skin updates form
Food for glow skin
Treatment Protocols
Certificate upon completion
Life time access for help or advice
Hand on hands practice
Starting kit include (steamer, extractions tools, towels, sponge, lamps)

nail bar



“How to properly perform dermaplaning ?
How to determine different skin type
Benefit of dermaplaning
How to prep the skin
How to create a beauty routine to client need
All Pre Appointment Instructions and post care
How to determine number of sessions for each clients?
A Step by Step guide to how to perform treatment
a step by step guide on how to perform according to skin need
How to clean equipment after use
Marketing advice
Treatment Prices
Client Consent Forms
Client skin updates form
Food for glow skin
Treatment Protocols
Certificate upon completion
Life time access for help or advice
Hand on hands practice

Untitled design (22)
Body contouring
nail bar



“How to properly perform waxing?
How to prep skin for waxing
Benefit of waxing
All Pre Appointment Instructions and post care
A Step by Step guide to how to perform treatment
a step by step guide on how to perform according to body part
How to clean equipment after use
Marketing advice
Treatment Prices
Client Consent Forms
Treatment Protocols
Certificate upon completion
Life time access for help or advice
Hand on hands practice
Manual include

nail bar



“How to properly perform teeth whitening?
How to custom time according to clients need
How to protect gum before treatment
What to avoid post treatment
Benefit of teeth whitening
All Pre Appointment Instructions and post care
A Step by Step guide to how to perform treatment
How to clean equipment after use
Marketing advice
Treatment Prices
Client Consent Forms
Client skin updates form
Food for healthy and bright teeth
Treatment Protocols
Certificate upon completion
Life time access for help or advice
Hand on hands practice
Equipment and kit include

Untitled design (22)
Body contouring
nail bar



“How to properly perform facials?
How to determine different skin type
How to custom facials according to skin needs
Benefit of facials
How to prep the skin
How to create a beauty routine to client need
All Pre Appointment Instructions and post care
How to determine number of sessions for each client?
A Step by Step guide to how to perform treatment
A step by step guide on how to perform according to skin need
How to clean equipment after use
Marketing advice
Treatment Prices
Client Consent Forms
Client skin updates form
Food for glow skin
Treatment Protocols
Certificate upon completion
Life time access for help or advice
Hand on hands practice
Starting kit include (steamer, extractions tools, towels, sponge, lamps)

nail bar



“No diploma required
What is wood therapy? Benefit & contraindications
What is fat? Type of fat cell?
What is cellulite?
How to do a lymphatic drainage?
Benefit and contraindication
All Pre Appointment Instructions and post care
How to determine number of sessions for each client?
A Step by Step guide to how to perform treatment
A step by step guide on how to perform on different body part
How to clean equipment after use
Marketing advice
Treatment Prices
Client Consent Forms
Treatment Protocols
Certificate upon completion
Life time access for help or advice
Hand on hands practice
Equipment include

Untitled design (22)
Body contouring
nail bar



“What is cellulite vanish? Benefit & contraindications
What is cellulite?
All Pre Appointment Instructions and post care
How to determine number of sessions for each clients?
A Step by Step guide to how to perform treatment
A step by step guide on how to perform on different body part
How to clean equipment after use
Marketing advice
Treatment Prices
Client Consent Forms
Treatment Protocols
Certificate upon completion
Life time access for help or advice
Hand on hands practice
Equipment include

nail bar



“What is but lifting? Benefit & contraindications
How to fat transfer
How to activate glutes
All Pre Appointment Instructions and post care
How to determine number of sessions for each clients?
A Step by Step guide to how to perform treatment
a step by step guide on how to perform on different body part
How to clean equipment after use
Marketing advice
Treatment Prices
Client Consent Forms
Treatment Protocols
Certificate upon completion
Life time access for help or advice
Hand on hands practice
Equipment include

Untitled design (22)